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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - reaction


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~ n 1 »TO A SITUATION/EVENT« something that you feel or do that is a result of something that has happened to you or been said to you  (What was Jeff's reaction when you told him about the job?)  (Her parents' reaction to the news was surprisingly calm.) mixed reaction (=people react in different ways)  (The pay offer brought a mixed reaction from union members. | gut reaction (=what you immediately feel before you have time to think))  (My gut reaction to her story was disbelief!) 2 »ABILITY« reactions your ability to move quickly when something dangerous happens suddenly  (quick/slow reactions)  (In motor racing the drivers need to have very quick reactions.) 3 »TO FOOD/DRUGS« a bad effect, such as illness, caused by food that you have eaten or a drug that you have taken  (an allergic reaction)  (Some people experience a mild reaction to the drug.) 4 »SCIENCE« a) a chemical change that happens when two or more chemical substances are mixed together; chemical reaction b) a physical force that is the result of an equally strong physical force in the opposite direction  (- see also nuclear reaction) 5 »CHANGE« a change in people's attitudes, behaviour, fashions etc that happens because they disapprove of what was done in the past + agains  (The attitudes of this generation are a reaction against the selfish values of the 1980s.) 6 »TIRED/SAD« a sudden feeling of weakness, tiredness, or unhappiness that you sometimes get after a lot of activity  (Bridget seems depressed; I think she's suffering a reaction after all the excitement.) 7 »AGAINST CHANGE« formal strong and unreasonable opposition to all social and political changes  (The revolution was defeated by the forces of reaction.)  (- see also chain reaction)
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  (reactions) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Your reaction to something that has happened or something that you have experienced is what you feel, say, or do because of it. Reaction to the visit is mixed... He was surprised that his answer should have caused such a strong reaction. N-VAR: usu with supp 2. A reaction against something is a way of behaving or doing something that is deliberately different from what has been done before. All new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention... N-COUNT: N against n 3. If there is a reaction against something, it becomes unpopular. Premature moves in this respect might well provoke a reaction against the reform... N-SING: also no det, N against n 4. Your reactions are your ability to move quickly in response to something, for example when you are in danger. The sport requires very fast reactions. N-PLURAL: oft poss N 5. Reaction is the belief that the political or social system of your country should not change. Thus, he aided reaction and thwarted progress. N-UNCOUNT c darkgreen]disapproval 6. A chemical reaction is a process in which two substances combine together chemically to form another substance. Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultra-violet light... N-COUNT 7. If you have a reaction to a substance such as a drug, or to something you have touched, you are affected unpleasantly or made ill by it. Every year, 5000 people have life-threatening reactions to anaesthetics... N-COUNT: oft adj N to n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Date: circa 1611  1.  a. the act or process or an instance of reacting  b. resistance or opposition to a force, influence, or movement; especially tendency toward a former and usually outmoded political or social order or policy  2. a response to some treatment, situation, or stimulus her stunned ~ to the news; also such a response expressed verbally critical ~ to the play  3. bodily response to or activity aroused by a stimulus:  a. an action induced by vital resistance to another action; especially the response of tissues to a foreign substance (as an antigen or infective agent)  b. depression or exhaustion due to excessive exertion or stimulation  c. heightened activity and overaction succeeding depression or shock  d. a mental or emotional disorder forming an individual's response to his or her life situation  4. the force that a body subjected to the action of a force from another body exerts in the opposite direction  5.  a.  (1) chemical transformation or change ; the interaction of chemical entities  (2) the state resulting from such a ~  b. a process involving change in atomic nuclei ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the act or an instance of reacting; a responsive or reciprocal action. 2 a a responsive feeling (what was your reaction to the news?). b an immediate or first impression. 3 the occurrence of a (physical or emotional) condition after a period of its opposite. 4 a bodily response to an external stimulus, e.g. a drug. 5 a tendency to oppose change or to advocate return to a former system, esp. in politics. 6 the interaction of substances undergoing chemical change. 7 propulsion by emitting a jet of particles etc. in the direction opposite to that of the intended motion. Derivatives reactionist n. & adj. Etymology: REACT + -ION or med.L reactio (as RE-, ACTION) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) (химическая) реакция 2) реакция, противодействие; обратное действие 3) ядерная реакция 4) положительная обратная связь 5) охр. реакция организма на среду обитания - acid reaction - acid-base reaction - addition reaction - air reaction - armature reaction - back reaction - balanced reaction - bearing reaction - bimolecular reaction - branching-chain reaction - building-up reaction - catalytic reaction - chain reaction - chain propagation reaction - chain termination reaction - color reaction reaction - combination reaction - competing reaction - complete reaction - complex reaction - concerted reactions - concurrent reaction - consecutive reaction - controlled chain reaction - coupled reactions - dark reaction - decomposition reaction - default reaction - Diels-Alder reaction - displacement reaction - Ditz test reaction - double decomposition reaction - Ekkert test reactions for various aromatics - elastic reaction - electrode reaction - end reaction - endoergic reaction - endothermal reaction - endothermic reaction - enzymatic reaction - exoergic reaction - exothermal reaction - exothermic reaction - first-order reaction - fission reaction - fractional-order reaction - Friedel-Crafts reaction - fusion reaction - gaseous-phase reaction - ground reaction - group reaction - heat-absorbing reaction - heat-producing reaction - heterogenous reaction - heterolytic reaction - higher order reaction - hindered reaction - homogeneous reaction - homolytical reaction - impeller reaction - incomplete reaction - induced nuclear reaction - inhibited reaction - intermolecular reaction - internal reaction - ion-exchange reaction - ion-molecule reaction - irreversible reaction - light-induced electron-transfer reaction - liquid-phase reaction - main reaction - metal-water reaction - molecular reaction - monomolecular reaction - multimolecular reaction - mutual exchange reaction - neutron reaction - nuclear reaction - nuclear chain...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  реакция; реактивная сила; противодействие reactions at the supports reactions of beam reaction of cement hydration reaction of support alkali-aggregate reaction bearing reaction exothermal reaction heat-absorbing reaction heat-producing reaction hydration reaction support reaction torque reaction ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) проба 2) противодействие 3) реактивное действие 4) реакционный 5) реакция 6) тест end-point of a reaction — конец реакции law of action and reaction — закон действия и противодействия parallel-flow reaction turbine — осевая реактивная гидротурбина principle of action and reaction — принцип действия и противодействия reaction A with B — реакция между А и В reaction branches off — реакция разветвляется reaction comes to halt — реакция останавливается reaction equilibrium constant — константа равновесия реакции reaction goes to completion — реакция идет до завершения reaction rate constant — константа скорости реакции - Bouveau-Blane reaction - addition reaction - analytical reaction - capture reaction - catalytic reaction - chain reaction - complement-fixing reaction - condensation reaction - constraint reaction - controlled reaction - coupled reaction - decomposition reaction - direct reaction - displacement reaction - drop reaction - exchange reaction - exothermicity of reaction - first-order reaction - fission reaction - half reaction - heterogeneous reaction - homogeneous reaction - indicator reaction - induce reaction - irreversible reaction - neutralization reaction - nuclear reaction - oxidation reaction - parallel reaction - partial reaction - photonuclear reaction - precipitation reaction - proton-proton reaction - pulsed reaction - qualitative reaction - quantitative reaction - radiation reaction - reaction at supports - reaction chain - reaction control - reaction coordinate - reaction for litmus - reaction jet - reaction mass - reaction motor - reaction order - reaction proceeds - reaction product - reaction propulsion - reaction stage - reaction temperature - reaction threshold - reaction time - reaction tower - reaction...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) пассивная сила 2) противодействие ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. 1) реакция; обратное действие, противодействие 2) перемена 3) понижение цен (после резкого подъема) 4) взаимодействие ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) реакция 2) воздействие; влияние – acrosome reaction – addition reaction – alarm reaction – alkali reaction – all-or-none reaction – antigen-antibody reaction – As reaction – autocatalytic reaction – back reaction – behavioral reaction – bi-bi reaction – blast-transformation reaction – bodily reaction – cell-mediated immune reaction – chain reaction – choosing reaction – color reaction – complement-fixation reaction – conditioned reflex reaction – consecutive reaction – cortical reaction – coupling reaction – dark reaction – decomposition reaction – defense reaction – deferred reaction – delayed reaction – depressory reaction – early reaction – elimination reaction – endergonic reaction – energy-releasing reaction – energy-trapping reaction – energy-yielding reaction – enzymatic reaction – exchange reaction – exclusion reaction – exergonic reaction – Feulgen reaction – finishing dark reaction – forward reaction – graft versus host reaction – Gram reaction – group reaction – heat-absorbing reaction – heat-generating reaction – hemagglutination reaction – hemagglutination-inhibition reaction – heterohemagglutinin reaction – high-energy reaction – Hill reaction – hopping reaction – hypersensitivity reaction – idling reaction – maladaptive reaction – mating reaction – motor reaction – multistep reaction – multisubstrate reaction – optomotor reaction – orientative-trying reaction – orthostatic reaction – oxidation reaction – paraserum reaction – periodic acid-Schiff reaction – peroxidase reaction – phage-antiphage reaction – photochemical reaction – phototactic reaction – piggyback reaction – placing reaction – precipitation reaction – primed reaction – priming reaction – radiochemical reaction – recollection reaction – redox reaction – reversible reaction – sexual reaction – shifting reaction – side reaction – single-step reaction – soil reaction –...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. реакция, реагирование the reaction of eye to light —- реакция (реагирование) глаза на свет an artist's reaction to beauty —- реакция художника на красоту 2. разг. отклик, мнение what's the President's reaction? —- каково мнение президента?, что по этому поводу говорит президент? what was his reaction to this news? —- как он отреагировал на это известие?, что он сказал, когда услышал эту новость? 3. уст. воздействие; влияние, действие 4. противодействие; обратное действие action and reaction —- действие и противодействие 5. тех. сила реакции; реакция reaction coil —- эл. реактивная катушка; реактор reaction propulsion —- реактивное движение reaction engine —- реактивный двигатель reaction brake —- воен. реактивный тормоз орудия 6. физ. хим. реакция fission reaction —- реакция деления ядра addition reaction —- реакция присоединения reaction rate (velocity) —- скорость реакции reaction time —- время (длительность) реакции; физиол. промежуток времени между раздражением и ответной реакцией reaction mixture —- реагирующая (реакционная) смесь reaction rim —- геол. реакционная или коррозионная кайма 7. мед. реакция (после возбуждения); упадок сил 8. мед. повышенное возбуждение (после угнетенного состояния) the healthy reaction following a cold bath —- здоровое возбуждение после холодной ванны 9....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  propelled с реактивным двигателем REACTION I noun  1) реакция; what was his reaction to this news? - как он реагировал на это? - suffer a reaction  2) обратное действие; реактивное действие; - reaction propelled  3) влияние; воздействие (on)  4) противодействие; action and reaction - действие и противодействие  5) radio действие обратной связи  6) mil. контрудар  7) attr. реактивный II noun polit. реакци ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1611, from re- "again, anew" + action. Modeled on Fr. rйaction, from M.L. reactionem (nom. reactio), from L.L. react-, pp. stem of reagere "react," from re- "back" + agere "to do, act." Originally scientific. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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